I saw the fabulous looking trailer for the BBC/HBO’s adaptation of Philip Pullman’s “Dark Materials” today. I may have to re-subscribe to HBO for that one (while also catching up on the Handmaids Tale, and Westworld). The trailer did remind me that I have no idea where my copies of the books have ended up. Having moved country and house multiple times in the last few years, loads of things have gone missing. Where is my favourite book on Irish history, or my copy of Good Omens? So many moves, so many prized things lost… 😥
I would love to get a set of all three Dark Materials books in hardback for my shelves. Can anyone lend me £150 for a custom printed set? A friend once said to me of the trilogy that – this was a set of books you would put on a high (but not too high shelf) in a prominent place. And then you tell your children they are not allowed to read them 🙂
Hardback Jane Austins, and Mr Darcy
There are a few other books in my collection, or which used to be in my collection, that I would love to replace with good hardbacks (money and space allowing). I was in a friend’s house recently and she had a pretty set of Jane Austins alongside her Mr Darcy mug. The nice thing about these is that as well as being in subtle understated colours, they were smaller. Too many hardbacks are giants of books, that can only be read at home. Books are companions that you should be able to bring places with you!
One thing I have noticed, is that I often prefer the hardbacks which I see available outside of the English speaking world. In Dublin bookshops the hardback sets can be be bright, almost gaudy, with different colours used on each of the books in a set. But look at these anniversary hardback issues of Harry Potter on sale in Swedish. The artwork is beautiful, the colours simple, and the books look good together. Putting all of them on a bookshelf together would make the room look prettier!
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